


Calcium Propionate

Calcium Propionate

Calcium Propionate (C₆H₁₀CaO₄) is a highly effective preservative widely used in the food industry to prevent mold and bacterial growth. This white, crystalline powder is particularly valued for its ability to extend the shelf life of baked goods and other perishable items without affecting their taste or texture.

In the bakery industry, Calcium Propionate is essential for maintaining the freshness and quality of bread, cakes, and pastries. By inhibiting the growth of mold and other microorganisms, it helps prevent spoilage, ensuring that products remain safe and enjoyable for consumers over an extended period.

Calcium Propionate is also used in dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, where it helps to prevent mold growth and spoilage, thereby extending the product's shelf life. Its application in processed meats and poultry ensures that these products remain safe and free from bacterial contamination.