


Sorbic Acid

Sorbic Acid

Sorbic Acid (C₆H₈O₂) is a highly effective, natural preservative widely used in the food and beverage industries to inhibit the growth of mold, yeast, and fungi. This white crystalline powder is valued for its ability to extend the shelf life of products while maintaining their flavor, aroma, and nutritional value.

In the food industry, Sorbic Acid is commonly used in baked goods, dairy products, and processed foods. It helps to prevent spoilage and maintain freshness, ensuring that products remain safe and enjoyable for consumers. Its application in cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products helps prevent the growth of mold and yeast, thereby extending shelf life and maintaining quality.

Sorbic Acid is also used in beverages such as fruit juices, wines, and soft drinks to inhibit microbial growth, ensuring that these products remain fresh and free from spoilage over time. Its effectiveness in acidic environments makes it particularly suitable for preserving a wide range of beverages.